Dick Weaver’s wife was involved in Race Management at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club for some years. When the Yacht Club’s full time professional Race Scorer, Wilson Barnes, retired, Dick set out to write a user-friendly One-Design Scoring Program in QuickBasic. He spent about a thousand hours developing and de-bugging the program.
The program was generally successful. However, QuickBasic was found to be limiting and Dick found that some One-Design classes use their own scoring systems, similar but differing from the Racing Rules of Sailing. So Dick set out to learn the Visual Basic language.
This present program, St. Pete Scorer has involved over a thousand hours work. In comparison to many computer programs, the cost of development has been low, about a twelve-hundred dollars for software, texts, reference books and instruction, but if labor were counted at Dick’s pre-retirement hourly rate the cost would approach a hundred thousand dollars.
Whenever Racing Rules of Sailing changes, St. Pete Scorer has been revised to be compatible. New versions of the program (e.g., 16) are indicated by appending a number to the program name.
Whenever Racing Rules of Sailing changes, St. Pete Scorer has been revised to be compatible.
The present program scores One Design or Level Racing Regattas or Series. It prints Check-in sheets, Entry Lists, Race Reports and Series Reports. It also generates report files for display on a web page. It provides for scoring subgroups, such as “Masters” or “Women”, which may be displayed separately. It provides for up to twenty-six Classes in a Regatta, and a practically unlimited number of contestants and races. It can score many different scoring systems and can score divided classes and re-divided classes.
The St. Petersburg Yacht Club has no responsibility for the program, it is our responsibility alone.
I hope you find it useful. Any comments or corrections should be addressed to “author@stpetescorer.com”.
Dick Weaver – Creator and Author of St. Pete Scorer
Bill Cotsworth – St. Pete Scorer Associate
During 2019 Dick Weaver passed away after a full life. Bill Cotsworth has been involved with scoring systems for 20 years and retired from a technical profession that involved complex computer codes. Bill will take over the day-to-day maintenance of St. Pete Scorer and be the focal point for future code enhancements.